3 steps to facing fear in your business

business mindset
facing fear in business

The truth is, everyone experiences some form of fear in business. Whether it's the fear of failure or the fear of the unknown, it's normal to feel some level of apprehension when taking risks in your business. But, it's so incredibly important to remember that fear is just a natural part of the journey. Without fear, there is no growth. So, here's my 3 steps to breaking through fear and not letting it hold you back.


The first step to overcoming your fears is to identify what they are. Once you know what your fears are, you can start to address them head-on. I find personally that fear for me will often stem from the unknown or a new experience. Give me something I haven't done before, a new challenge and instantly I'll feel fear. Just being able to recognise this has given me the insight to now recognise this process, and work through it.


Fear can only win and get the better of you if you let it. One of the things you can do to make sure fear doesn’t control you and your ideas or decisions is to just feel that fear, recognise it, know that it is there and that's okay… and then DO IT ANYWAY. Take small steps to address those fears head on. 


The fear of failure will stop us going after what we want. But we need to change the way we think about failure. There is so much to learn from “failing”. Each time you fail, it is getting you one step closer to where you really want to be. If you learn one thing from each and every flop, then it is not a failure, it’s merely a lesson.

Fear still creeps into my life all the time. In a business sense, there’s so many ideas I’d like to do, but I’m scared and there’s that little voice in my head telling me how it could go wrong. How I might fail. But the version of me now, compared to me just one year ago, is able to silence that inner voice, tell it to shut up, and feel the fear and do it anyway. 


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