The secret to "doing it all" as a Mum and business owner

mindset motherhood
mum and business owner

The last 14 months have been pretty huge for me: I've launched a new business and also grown my current one to 6 figures, and then we also welcomed our third baby into the family. So the question that I get asked time and time again is "Just how do you do it all?". And the answer is... well, I don't. I simply don't do it all. That goal of ticking all the boxes is totally unrealistic and unachievable and I feel like as soon as we all stop aiming to achieve it, the better.

Our third little bub sure brought a whole lot of love and joy into our lives, but also things got pretty hectic. Our lives changed, big time and I had to adapt. This meant the way in which I handle home life and kids intertwined with my work was no longer sufficient. It just wasn’t working and had to change. And that change looked like this.


There's just no point expecting that you'll be able to do absolutely everything perfectly. It's simply not possible, and you're only setting yourself up to fail with this mindset. There comes a point where in order to get things done, you have to just go with that whole "done is better than perfect" mindset. So lower those expectations, and I promise you, it'll help you not only achieve more but also take you further to your end goal. 


I want you to give yourself permission to outsource. In both your home life and your work life.

Think of it like this – if you were a marketing executive in a big company would you also be required to be the tax agent, office cleaner and customer service rep? Nope! They are separate roles in themselves. But I get it, when you run a small business you are so many things and wear all of the hats. Where you can, I want you to offload some of those tasks that maybe aren’t your strength or you don’t enjoy, to someone else. As a photographer that may mean someone else doing your editing, or as a baby clothing brand that might mean hiring a tax agent to look after the finances. By freeing up this task you are allowing yourself more time to do the things that you are good at and therefore giving your business more opportunity for growth.

And at home? If you can, hire a cleaner. Honestly the difference these little changes can make to your mental load and your available time are huge. 

The thing about outsourcing is that many of us feel like we’re failing because we can’t do everything... but really it’s the opposite to that. You’re succeeding in so many other areas and those little things like doing your tax or folding the washing just aren’t a priority. Once you reframe this in your mind, and see that you deserve time and space to work on your business things will fall into place.

Start working smarter not harder and don’t be afraid to outsource so you can spend more time building your business. 

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